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What are the benefits of a drawdown lifetime mortgage? And how do they compare to other lifetime mortgage choices? Lifetime mortgages - summary of what they are and how they work. Lifetime mortgages have evolved in the last few years. There are different types, yet they

2021-06-08 Steve Lewis

Will I still own my home if I take out Equity Release? Let's be clear. Equity Release has two formats. 1.Lifetime Mortgage 2.Home Reversion What is a Lifetime Mortgage? With a lifetime mortgage, you will always be the owner of your home. A lifetime mortgage means that you

2021-06-07 Steve Lewis

1. Prepaid funerals are a way to plan ahead for the funeral arrangements 2. There are many different types of prepaid plans available, including burial and cremation 3. The cost of a prepaid funeral is often less than what it would be if you were to pay for everything a

2021-03-10 Steve Lewis

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Equity Release, Should You Be Scared

Linking Legacy is owned and operated by Steve Lewis sharing news and information relating to the products and services listed on this website. Your details with consent may be shared with selected product providers

Linking Legacy is owned and operated by Steve Lewis sharing news and information relating to the products and services listed on this website. Your details with consent may be shared with selected product providers