“Equity Release - Should You Be Scared?”

What You Should Know About Equity Release Before You Apply

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Equity Release isn't just about age and money

Why understanding everything about equity release is vital

What equity release can offer you in the autumn of life

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We are here to help you through the equity release maze.

Welcome to Linking Legacy.

As time marches on and we start to think of things like retirement solutions and taking care of how legacy should be shaped, plain-speaking information is very important.

If you’ve been thinking of equity release, prepaid funeral plans or estate planning you wouldn’t be on your own. They have all become high on the to-do list items for the over 55.

Mostly because finance in today’s era is very different to that of previous generations.

- Why?

-Equity release. The boom in house prices combined with the stage of life where there is little or no mortgage debt.

- Where previous seniors had generous pensions, today’s pensioners have property assets that compensate for an empty pension pot.

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Please feel free to get in touch to discuss equity release, pre-paid funeral plans, lasting power of attorney or making a will.

Remember, we do not sell anything and we do not charge fees. We want to empower, enrich and where needed, educate you before you decide to take the leap into equity release, pre-paid funeral plans and estate planning.

Pre - Paid Funeral Plans.

Whilst nothing is more certain than that of death and taxes we shy away from the inevitable such as funerals or tax planning.

The reality is, that not many people can face planning and pay in advance for their own funeral. Yet leaving such a cumbersome and emotionally tough task to our nearest and dearest is what nearly all of us tend to do.

This of course doesn’t include the added financial implications of a funeral.

Funeral plans can help:

  • Fix the cost
  • Remove emotional and financial hardship
  • Give certainty and definition
  • Allow focus on other aspects such as reflection, contacting other close ones, and of course the healing process.

Estate planning

The importance of making a will and working out who gets what is better considered if you look at it from a perspective of what happens if you DON’T make a will.

Because if there is no provision, then the state will decide who gets what from you. And bear in mind that your assets could go to people or a person that you don’t really want it to go to.

Making a will before you die, leaves a simpler, fairer legacy than dying intestate.

(Intestate means dying without having made a will)

Making a will

- Unburdens your mind, and it also makes it easier for those left behind

A properly written WILL can help to give clarity and avoids disputes

- Your will declares who you wish to leave property, money and personal possessions to. This gives you peace of mind knowing that everything goes to the people you care about.

Equity Release - Don't be scared.

Most homeowners over 55 are aware and informed about Equity Release.

But knowing the features is completely different to understanding or coming to terms with the feelings about it.

There’s a sense of undoing all the years of hard work. The worry of releasing capital at a stage of life when financial decisions aren’t as straightforward compared to the younger years.

Self-doubt and confusion can cloud judgement, as can the varying opinions of friends, family and associates.

There are TWO DRIVING FORCES that act like smelling salts in the whirlwind of information, confusion and indecision. They help cut through the cold butter of inaction and procrastination.

In our book, "EQUITY RELEASE - SHOULD YOU BE SCARED?" We describe these two driving forces. Understanding Equity Release is one thing, but to match its compatibility with you as a person or as a couple is a completely different thing

We'll be sensitive to these topics of discussion, too!

Write a Will

Linking Legacy provides resources to help educate our clients about wills and other estate planning documents.

Our goal is to make sure everyone understands their options when it comes to writing a will so they can take care of themselves and their loved ones now before an emergency happens later.

Power Of Attorney

Power of attorney is an important legal document that allows someone to make decisions on your behalf. You should know what it is and how it works before you need one.

Linking Legacy can help you understand the importance, benefits, and process for creating a power of attorney. We also provide newsletters and information about this topic.

Funeral Plans

We understand that planning ahead can be difficult, but it's important to think about what will happen after your death.

A prepaid funeral plan ensures that your family won't have to worry about the cost of burial or cremation services and they can focus on grieving instead.

Our Blog

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Will I still own my home if I take out Equity Release? Let's be clear. Equity Release has two formats. 1.Lifetime Mortgage 2.Home Reversion What is a Lifetime Mortgage? With a lifetime mortgage, you will always be the owner of your home. A lifetime mortgage means that you

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1. Prepaid funerals are a way to plan ahead for the funeral arrangements 2. There are many different types of prepaid plans available, including burial and cremation 3. The cost of a prepaid funeral is often less than what it would be if you were to pay for everything a

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Linking Legacy is owned and operated by Steve Lewis sharing news and information relating to the products and services listed on this website. Your details with consent may be shared with selected product providers

Linking Legacy is owned and operated by Steve Lewis sharing news and information relating to the products and services listed on this website. Your details with consent may be shared with selected product providers